Office life is slowly starting to return … how can you ensure your eco choices come with you?
- Be Prepared. You know what office life is life – unexpected meetings, a quick walk, an opportunity to grab a few things for supper. So be prepared! Your Eco Kit can contain a squishable shopping bag, a napkin with cutlery, and if you’re a straw sipper – your bamboo straw. Of course no office eco kit is complete without a coffee mug! Yes, more & more coffee shops are accepting re-useable mugs – BE the inspiration and ASK!
- Green your Space. We do love our plants at EnviroAlley, but I’m meaning check your office supplies – how many are throw-away or single use items like junky pens with a short life or sticky notes
- Just say no… to printing, to loading up your office space with sticky notes to schwag (first time hard, second time easy!)